Preslav Chardonnay 2011

Преслав Шардоне 2011

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Vinex Preslav (Преслав)
Bulgaria (България) 
Other vintages: 
2006 [84]
Chardonnay (Шардоне)
€ 3.32  
Added by sharko
31 Aug 2012

Winemaker's notes:
Шардоне Преслав
Свежо и елегантно вино с аромат на зелена ябълка и лаймски лимон. Сочен и изразителен финал.

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How to drink it
Food: Artichokes, Chicken, Cold Meats, Crab, Lobster, Nuts, Olives, Other White Fish, Oysters (Raw), Pasta with Cream Sauce, Pasta with Shellfish, Quiche, Red Snapper, Scallops, Shrimp, Striped Bass, Tuna, Turkey, Veal
Cheese: Gruyere, Mild Cheddar, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Provolone
Temperature: 12 °C
The Grape World
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There are some 24,000 names for varieties of wine grapes. Ampelograhers believe these represent about 5,000 truly different varieties, since most varieties have numerous names, depending on where they are grown. Of those 5000 grape varieties, only ...
Comments & Ratings
31 Aug 2012