
Castillo de Molina Viognier Reserva 2007

Кастило де Молина Вионие Резерва 2007

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San Pedro
Chile (Чили) 
Colchagua Valley
Viognier (Вионие)
Added by demiro
27 Mar 2009
Winemaker's notes:
Цвят: Чист и блестящ светло жълт цвят Аромат: Интензивен нос изпълнен с нотки на праскова и круша в съчетание с нежни цитрусови нотки, цветисти аромати и нюанс на ванилия. Вкус: свежо на небцето и много плодово в устата, живо и добре балансирано вино с продължителен и устойчив финал.

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How to drink it
Food: -
Cheese: -
Temperature: 12 °C
How long will wine keep in an open bottle?
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How long will wine keep once the bottle has been opened? This may be the one wine question I hear most often; and the short answer, I'm afraid, is, "not very long." Wine, like fresh fruit, is perishable, and air is its enemy. Once you've taken out the cork and exposed the liquid to oxygen, it ...
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