Crinel Rosado |
Кринел Розе |
Where to buy it
- Iberia vino y tapas - София
How to drink it
Food: Аперетивно вино подходящо за риба, крехки меса, тестени изделия, ястия с ориз задушени зеленчуци.
Cheese: -
Temperature: 7-12 °C
Vertical Tasting
From the Reading Room
From the Reading Room
Vertical Tasting - A vertical tasting involves wines from different vintages but all the wines will come from the same winery. If the winery produces more than one type of wine, you would select a single wine from that winery and taste multiple vintages of that wine. For instance, you might have 5 ...
Comments & Ratings
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14 Nov 2010