
Damianitza Rose Melnik 2008

Дамяница Розе Мелник 2008

Quick rate: Barely drinkableAverage (Insignificant)GoodVery goodAstonishing
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Damianitza (Дамяница)
Bulgaria (България) 
Thracian Valley (Тракийска Низина)
Other vintages: 
 2007 [76]
Broad-Leaved Vine of Melnik (Широка мелнишка лоза)
Added by pavlinat
15 May 2009

Winemaker's notes:
Класическо розе с приятен наситен розов цвят.

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How to drink it
Food: агнешко и риба
Cheese: -
Temperature: 10-12 °C
Sugar Crystals or..?
From the Reading Room
There's sugar on my cork.' Is a frequent one... no, not sugar but crystals of tartar sometimes called 'wine diamonds' which look - but do not taste - like sugar. They upset people - unless those people know in advance that they can occur and are a GOOD sign. Tartaric acid occurs naturally in all ...
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