Dragomir Sarva 2006

Драгомир Сарва 2006

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Dragomir (Драгомир)
Bulgaria (България) 
Thracian Valley (Тракийска Низина)
Additional Location Info:
Chirpan (Чирпан)
Merlot (Мерло)

Cabernet Sauvignon (Каберне Совиньон)

Pinot Noir (Пино Ноар)
€ 6.14  
Added by demiro
30 Mar 2009

Winemaker's notes:
The vinification is carried out according to classical methods in order the coupage of separate wines to create fruit, soft, light and easy drinking wine. Regarding this only 15% of the coupage wine is aged in French oak, achieving gentle oak notes in the aroma and flavour. The wine has very vivid, ruby colour. The aroma has lovely notes of bottle aging, with smoky undertones and accent of lather, white paper and blackberries characteristics. The taste is very good structured with soft, harmonic and tight body. A pleasant end with recalling taste of spices. Recommended to be consumed with juicy-meat âрГ lamb, pork-crop, as well as with risotto and pasta. Reaching out your hand to a bottle of SARVA, you start looking âрМAnything in everythingâрН and tasting the wine âрГ you will find it!

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How to drink it
Food: Chicken, Chicken Smoked, Couscous, Duck, Ham, Hamburger, Lamb (Grilled, Broiled), Pasta with Tomato Sauce, Pasta with Vegetables, Pates, Pizza, Quiche, Rabbit, Sausage, Spicy Chinese, Steak (Grilled, Broiled), Tuna, Turkey, Veal, Venison
Cheese: Asiago, Brie, Camember, Danish Blu, Gouda, Gruyere, Pecorino Toscano, Ricotta, Sharp Cheddar
Temperature: 16-18 °C
If I spend twice as much will it be twice as good?
From the Reading Room
Yes ... no ... well, sometimes. A 6 (euro, pound, leva - doesn't matter) bottle of wine may well be twice as good as a 3 bottle ... and a 12 bottle twice as good as a 6 one. Over and above this level though the value for money becomes more subjective. To a degree, you're paying a premium for ...
Comments & Ratings
10 Jul 2009
06 Nov 2009