Enolla Sauvignon Blanc 2011

Енола Совиньон Блан 2011

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 DiVino: 84
Vinolla Wines (Винола Уайнс)
Bulgaria (България) 
Thracian Valley (Тракийска Низина)
Sauvignon Blanc (Совиньон Блан)
€ 5.62  
Added by sharko
30 Aug 2012

Winemaker's notes:
Нежен плодов аромат с цветисти нюанси, доминиран от дребни бели цветчета и теменужки.
Вкус с отлична концетрация, плътен и с нужната свежест. Дълъг финал на цитрус, грейпфрут и добре узрял нар.

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How to drink it
Food: Antipasto, Asparagus, Carpaccio (Tuna), Chicken Salad, Cold Meats, Crab, Curry (Fish or Chicken), Lobster, Mussels, Nuts, Olives, Oysters (Raw), Pasta Salad, Pasta with Shellfish, Pasta with Vegetables, Red Snapper, Salmon, Sashimi, Scallops, Shrimp, Smoked Fish (Trout, Herring), Sushi, Swordfish, Thai, Tuna
Cheese: Blue Castello, Goat Cheese, Gruyere, Sharp Cheddar
Temperature: 12 °C
How long will wine keep in an open bottle?
From the Reading Room
How long will wine keep once the bottle has been opened? This may be the one wine question I hear most often; and the short answer, I'm afraid, is, "not very long." Wine, like fresh fruit, is perishable, and air is its enemy. Once you've taken out the cork and exposed the liquid to oxygen, it ...
Comments & Ratings
30 Aug 2012

Добро и читаво, но нищо особено.