
Ferrari Maximum Rose 2006

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Ferrari (Ферари)
Italy (Италия) 
Province of Trento (Trentino)
Pinot Noir (Пино Ноар)

Chardonnay (Шардоне)
€ 25.56  
Added by terziev
23 Jul 2011

Winemaker's notes:
Excellent as an aperitif or for drinking throughout a meal, it is designed for the restaurant sector and for a sophisticated and exclusive audience.

An elegant old rose hue.

Delicately fragrant, with hints of berry fruits, yeast and a faintly balsamic undertone of considerable complexity.

Of great elegance, it echoes perfectly the sensations perceived on the nose: wild berries and fresh balsamic notes. Its remarkably long finish displays just a faint hint of tannin along with delicate yeasty tones.

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How to drink it
Food: Artichokes, Chicken, Cold Meats, Crab, Lobster, Nuts, Olives, Other White Fish, Oysters (Raw), Pasta with Cream Sauce, Pasta with Shellfish, Quiche, Red Snapper, Scallops, Shrimp, Striped Bass, Tuna, Turkey, Veal
Cheese: Asiago, Gruyere, Mild Cheddar, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Provolone, Ricotta
Sugar Crystals or..?
From the Reading Room
There's sugar on my cork.' Is a frequent one... no, not sugar but crystals of tartar sometimes called 'wine diamonds' which look - but do not taste - like sugar. They upset people - unless those people know in advance that they can occur and are a GOOD sign. Tartaric acid occurs naturally in all ...
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