
Georges Duboeuf Merlot Vin de Pays d'Oc 2009

Мерло Жорж Дюбоев Вин Де Пейс 2009

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Georges Duboef (Жорж Дебьоф)
France (Франция) 
Merlot (Мерло)
€ 6.65  
Added by rms
14 Oct 2010

Winemaker's notes:
Since Antiquity, Merlot has been grown in the Gironde and Languedoc Roussillon where it has become increasingly popular. In fact, it is here that Merlot finds the conditions most favourable to higher quality. The surface area planted in the French vineyards is now in excess of 100,000 hectares, approximately 70,000 of
which are in the Bordelais and the South-west and approximately 30,000 in Languedoc Roussillon, from where this Merlot Vin de Pays d'Oc comes.
Also, the Pyrenean foothills (Upper Aude Valley) enjoy a quite exceptional geographical situation in which the excesses of the Mediterranean climate are tempered by the barrier of the High Corbières to the East, while a slight Atlantic influence is filtered by the hills in the West. The Upper Valley is cooler due to its height (300~600 metres) and is an ideal “terroir” for wines made with Merlot for laying down.
We should also mention the Massif de la Malepère, a real balcony in Western Aude, which offers a magnificent view over Carcassonne, the Laugarais plain, the Razès hills and the Corbières. At the heart of La Malepère is a superb patchwork of vineyards, fields and oak woods that give the Massif harmonious touches of A cherry red colour with plum-coloured tints, this wine has a harmonious nose that reveals kirsch and red berry aromas. Full-bodied and aromatic, with fine, fruity
tannins. A pleasing wine that won’t disappoint, even after it has just been opened.
Young, well-balanced and made with very typical grapes. It will gain in length and smoothness as it ages.

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Where to buy it
How to drink it
Food: Chicken, Chicken Smoked, Couscous, Duck, Ham, Lamb (Grilled, Broiled), Pasta with Tomato Sauce, Pasta with Vegetables, Pizza, Quiche, Rabbit, Sausage, Spicy Chinese, Steak (Grilled, Broiled), Tuna, Turkey, Veal
Cheese: Gouda, Gruyere, Pecorino Toscano
Temperature: 15 °C
Red or White
From the Reading Room
The color of wine comes from the skin of the grapes. The juice that comes from nearly every variety of grape when pressed is white or clear. This is true of red grapes as well as white wines. The color or pigments of red grapes are found in the skins of the grapes. In order to make a red wine from ...
Comments & Ratings
17 Oct 2010
Много приятен малинов цвят. В носа ароматът е направо бомбастично малинов - до голяма степен това вино прилича на божоле, което обикновено демонстрира същите аромати. Едно нещо, което никак не ми допада обаче и в носа и в устата е силният "удар" на дъб.

В устата виното се усеща много приятно - киселинността е приятна, а танините са леко щипещи. Като цяло балансът е приятен, но алкохолът ми идва малко силен като усещане - въпреки че на етикета пише 13,5%, мисля че е поне с половин градус повече.

Простичко и лесно за пиене вино, което показва потенциалът, който френските регионални вина (vin de pays) крият. Някои дребни слабости (силният дъб, алкохолното усещане) го лишават от иначе заслужено висока оценка.
18 Oct 2010
10 Nov 2010