
Levent Victory Sauvignon Blanc & Semillion 2009

Левент Совиньон Блан и Семийон 2009

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Rousse Wine House (Винарска Къща Русе)
Bulgaria (България) 
Danube River Plains (Дунавска Равнина)
Sauvignon Blanc (Совиньон Блан)

Semillon (Семийон)
€ 5.88  
Added by rms
02 May 2010

Winemaker's notes:
Произведено от селектирано грозде от сортовете Совиньон Блан и Семийон от с. Венчан от района на Провадия.

С цел запазване на качеството на виното чрез провежданите щадящи обработки, е възможна появата на малки кристални утайки.

Алк.: 13,5 %

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How to drink it
Food: Antipasto, Asparagus, Carpaccio (Tuna), Chicken Salad, Cold Meats, Crab, Curry (Fish or Chicken), Lobster, Mussels, Nuts, Olives, Oysters (Raw), Pasta Salad, Pasta with Shellfish, Pasta with Vegetables, Red Snapper, Salmon, Sashimi, Scallops, Shrimp, Smoked Fish (Trout, Herring), Sushi, Swordfish, Thai, Tuna
Cheese: Blue Castello, Goat Cheese, Gruyere, Sharp Cheddar
Temperature: 12 °C
Nice Legs
From the Reading Room
The ruvilets of wine that roll down the inside of the glass after a wine has been swirled are called legs in UK and USA. The Spanish call them tears; the Germans - church windows. Some wine drinkers look for great legs, falsely believing that nicely shaped legs )and who knows what that means) ...
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