Maranon Malbec 2010

Маранон Малбек 2010

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Bodegas Maranon (Бодегас Маранон)
Argentina (Аржентина) 
Malbec (Малбек)
€ 3.09  
Added by ivcata7
02 May 2012

Winemaker's notes:
Малбек е един специфичен сорт грозде, който успешно вирее при климатичните условия на Аржентина. Виното, произведено от този сорт се характеризира с изключително свеж букет от плодови аромати и изискан вкус.

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How to drink it
Food: Antipasto, Carpaccio (Beef), Chicken Smoked, Duck, Ham, Hamburger, Pasta with Vegetables, Pheasant, Pizza, Quail, Rabbit, Sausage, Spicy Mexican, Steak (Grilled, Broiled), Venison, Да се комбинира с месни блюда и други основни ястия
Cheese: -
Temperature: 16-18 °C
Red or White
From the Reading Room
The color of wine comes from the skin of the grapes. The juice that comes from nearly every variety of grape when pressed is white or clear. This is true of red grapes as well as white wines. The color or pigments of red grapes are found in the skins of the grapes. In order to make a red wine from ...
Comments & Ratings
02 May 2012