
Novoselsko Vino Chardonnay 2008

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Vidinska Gamza (Видинска Гъмза)
Bulgaria (България) 
Danube River Plains (Дунавска Равнина)
Chardonnay (Шардоне)
Added by vidinska gamza
02 Nov 2009

Winemaker's notes:
НОВОСЕЛСКО ВИНО/Шардоне – вино с богат и запомнящ се аромат на екзотични плодове и впечатляващ мек вкус. Подходящо за бели меса, риби и десерти.

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How to drink it
Food: Artichokes, Chicken, Cold Meats, Crab, Lobster, Nuts, Olives, Other White Fish, Oysters (Raw), Pasta with Cream Sauce, Pasta with Shellfish, Quiche, Red Snapper, Scallops, Shrimp, Striped Bass, Tuna, Turkey, Veal
Cheese: Gruyere, Mild Cheddar, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Provolone
Temperature: 12 °C
Hang Time
From the Reading Room
Let's say a grape variety normally takes 120 days to ripen. In an especially hot year, it may ripen after only 110 days; in a cooler year, after 130 days. Viticulturists generally do want a long growing seasons. Long ripening allows components in the grape other that sugar - tannins, for example - ...
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