Saint Ilia Estate Merlot & Mavrud 2009 |
Saint Ilia Estate Мерло и Мавруд 2009 |
How to drink it
Food: Chicken, Chicken Smoked, Couscous, Duck, Ham, Lamb (Grilled, Broiled), Pasta with Tomato Sauce, Pasta with Vegetables, Pizza, Quiche, Rabbit, Sausage, Spicy Chinese, Steak (Grilled, Broiled), Tuna, Turkey, Veal, Ястия от червени меса и дивеч, печени меса на барбекю, меки жълти сирена.
Cheese: Gouda, Gruyere, Pecorino Toscano
Temperature: 16-18 °C
Sugar Crystals or..?
From the Reading Room
From the Reading Room
There's sugar on my cork.' Is a frequent one... no, not sugar but crystals of tartar sometimes called 'wine diamonds' which look - but do not taste - like sugar. They upset people - unless those people know in advance that they can occur and are a GOOD sign. Tartaric acid occurs naturally in all ...
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24 Oct 2010