
Chateau de Val Cuvee Trophy 2010

Шато де Вал Кюве Трофи 2010

Quick rate: Barely drinkableAverage (Insignificant)GoodVery goodAstonishing
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Other rating(s) Bacchus: -
 DiVino: 83
Chateau de Val
Bulgaria (България) 
Other vintages: 
2007 [90.8]
€ 5.11  
Added by demiro
24 May 2013
Winemaker's notes:
Красив златист цвят, комплексен аромат на ванилия, дюля и мед. Пълно тяло, хармоничен и богат вкус, в който се долавят зрели жълти плодове, смокини, стафиди и подправки, примесени с цветисти нюанси и ванилия. Дълъг, свеж и запомнящ се финал.

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How to drink it
Food: -
Cheese: -
Temperature: 12 °C
Wine aging
From the Reading Room
The use of wine barrels (especially oak barrels) to store and age wine is a centuries old tradition (and solution). Wine aged in oak barrels is enhanced with the addition of vanilla and oak overtones. Wooden Wine Barrels also allow for a small amount of evaporation of the contents during the aging ...
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