Kleine Zalze Cellar Selection Gamay Noir Rose 2009

Клейне Залзе Селър Селекшън Гаме Ноар Розе 2009

Бърза оценка: Не става за пиенеСредно (незабележително)ДоброМного доброНевероятно вино
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Kleine Zalze
South Africa (Южна Африка) 
Допълнителна информация:
Coastal Region
Други години: 
Gamay Noir (Гаме Ноар)
18.00 лв 
Добавено от rms
04 Jul 2009

Бележки от технолога:
The grapes were harvested from 23 year old vineyards situated on slopes adjacent to the Berg River in Wellington. The microclimate around the vines can be attributed to the vineyard’s close proximity to the river. Supplementary irrigation, fertilisation and gravel stone soils caused moderate growth and low yield-bearing crops of superb quality. Efficient suckering has been done, to ensure that only the strongest shoots were left with grapes on for optimum ripening.
Working with this Beaujolais cultivar, soft handling of the berries was necessary to ensure an elegant soft tannin juice. Only those grapes, which obtained the required pink coral hue were harvested and left for 12 hours on the skins before racking. The wine was fermented dry with a selected yeast strain, to develop a smooth mouth feel and good acidity balance to compliment this dry style of Rosé.
Winemaker’s Tasting Notes:
This dry Rosé shows strawberry and pink salmon colours, which point towards the deep strawberry, cherry and plummy fruity tones that are found on the nose and the palate. It is a clean, light and easy drinking wine with a good acidity balance.
Wine Analysis:
Alc.: 13.5vol% RS: 3.1g/l TA: 5.8g/l pH: 3.69

[Линк за блог]

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Температура: 12 °C
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Мненията за това вино
04 Jul 2009

Малко по-сладко за вкуса ми. Все пак си струва.