
Fleur du Cap Pinotage 2006

Фльор дю Кап Пинотаж 2006

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Bergkelder (Бергкелдер)
South Africa (Южна Африка) 
Other vintages: 
2007 [87]
Pinotage (Пинотаж)
Added by demiro
24 Jul 2008

Winemaker's notes:
This wine has a dark ruby colour with purple edges. On the nose it shows ample aromas of plums and prunes enhanced by a sweetish fruitcake character with a slight vanilla oak finish.Full-bodied on the palate with ripe plum flavours, this robust red is supported by a good tannic backbone.

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How to drink it
Food: Carpaccio (Beef), Chicken, Chicken Smoked, Duck, Ham, Hamburger, Lamb (Grilled, Broiled), Pasta with Vegetables, Pheasant, Pizza, Quail, Rabbit, Steak (Grilled, Broiled), Swordfish, Thai, Tuna, Venison
Cheese: -
Temperature: 16-18 °C
By the bowl or by the stem
From the Reading Room
Wine is served in stemware because the temperature at which wine is served can have a profound impact on the tastes and the enjoyment it yields. Wine glasses should always be held by the stem of the glass rather than the bowl since the heat of your hand will quickly warm the liquid.
Comments & Ratings
10 May 2010
 Има доста грешки в информацията за виното. Първо производителят не е Fleur du Cap (това е името на виното), а Bergkelder. Освен това името на български е съвсем различно. Пинотажът няма нищо общо със розе от сира на "Ту оушънс"...
10 May 2010
 Да - нещо се бяхме объркали. Сега очевидните грешки са отстранени. Благодарим за коментара.